If anything on the list applies, follow the recommended action to correct it
> <https://minecrafthopper.net/support-articles/known-incompatible-software/>
> <https://minecrafthopper.net/support-articles/known-incompatible-software/>
Tag | Output |
welcome | :wave:Welcome to all new members! :book: Review #rules and #faq. :dart: Stay on topic. :speech_left: Go to #off-topic for non-Minecraft chat. |
five | When reaching Level 5 (Stone Miner), you can: • Post images • Speak in voice channels • Change your nickname • Apply to our community Realms: #worst-java-realm and #worst-realm-ever Chat in text channels to level up. Type !rank in #bot-commands to check your current level. |
xp | Chat in text channels to level up. Type !rank in #bot-commands to check your current level. Don't spam—a random amount of XP will be given once per minute of chat activity. |
eula | https://minecraft.net/eula |
fbc | Fortnightly Building Challenge (FBC) is our community building challenge hosted in #fbc to test your creativity and build skills with a new theme every 2 weeks. :mega: Check out the build theme in #server-announcements and the pinned messages in #fbc. :frame_photo: Post images of your build in #fbc and @mention flossy#2020 or any Moderator. Submissions will be pinned for review. :speech_balloon: Only post submissions, questions, and critique in #fbc. Check out #channel-list to find the appropriate place for non-FBC chat. |
partnerapp | Apply directly to the Minecraft Partner Program (https://partner.microsoft.com/en-us/minecraft) or join an existing Marketplace Partner team to share your creations on Minecraft Marketplace. Check the pinned messages in #bedrock-store-feedback for additional tips and opportunities from current Marketplace Partners. |
pref | Minecraft is Minecraft. All editions are great and each has its own strong points. Play the edition that you prefer and suits your needs. |
roles | Check out #faq to learn more about roles and permissions for images and voice chat. |
streams | Watch the official Minecraft livestreams! Get the latest news and play with the Minecraft Community Team every weekday live or demand. https://i.imgur.com/1Tebvlw.jpg • Mixer: https://mixer.com/minecraft • Twitch: https://twitch.tv/minecraft • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/minecraftlive |
whyamiironminer | A number of roles were removed to improve overall server performance. MEE6 levels and ranks are unaffected. Check out #server-announcements and #faq to learn more about roles. |
xboxclub | Join another great community! Players of all ages are welcome to join the official Minecraft club on Xbox Live. http://aka.ms/MinecraftClub |
coppa | Discord Terms of Service and government laws (COPPA, GDPR) don't allow users who are younger than 13 years old to use Discord, even if they have a parent's permission. This is to protect the privacy and online safety of minors. • Discord Terms of Service: https://discordapp.com/terms • Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children%27s_Online_Privacy_Protection_Act • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Data_Protection_Regulation |
editions | • Minecraft: Java Edition is the original PC edition for Windows, macOS, and Linux. • Minecraft (Bedrock) is the cross-platform edition for mobile, Windows 10, VR, and modern consoles. Learn more and compare features on the official site to find the right Minecraft for you. https://minecraft.net/en-us/get-minecraft |
bedrock | Minecraft (Bedrock) is the cross-platform edition of the game on mobile, Windows 10, VR, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation 4. Learn more about this edition's features on the official site. https://minecraft.net/en-us/get-minecraft |
java | Minecraft: Java Edition is the original edition for PC. Mojang has no plans to end development of Minecraft: Java Edition. https://twitter.com/HelenAngel/status/1049079520035258371 |
dungeons | Minecraft Dungeons is an all-new action-adventure game inspired by classic dungeon crawlers coming Spring 2020! Visit the official site to learn more and sign up for a chance to get early access in the future. https://minecraft.net/dungeons Check the pinned messages in #dungeons for additional info and links. |
earth | Minecraft Earth is an all-new mobile augmented reality (AR) game that brings the Minecraft universe into our universe! Visit the official site to learn more and sign up for a chance to participate in the closed beta this summer. https://www.minecraft.net/earth Check out #minecraft-earth to join the official Discord server. |
parity | Parity issues are differences between editions of the game. These differences are being documented on the Minecraft Wiki. https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Official_pages/Parity_issue_list |
gethelp support |
Get help from Minecraft Support with the game, Mojang accounts, and purchases on the official help center. https://help.minecraft.net/ Get help from other players with basic game issues in the #community-support channel. Describe what edition of the game you’re playing and what you need help with. |
stuckbeta | If the Microsoft Store still downloads the beta version after unenrolling from the beta and reinstalling the game, try Solution B or Solution C described in this article: https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2018/07/09/minecraft-beta-guide-and-faqs/ |
leavebeta | Unenroll from Minecraft (Bedrock) betas in the Xbox Insider Hub or Google Play Store. Any worlds you've created or loaded in a beta version won't be playable in the current release version. Backup your worlds before uninstalling. https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360040841471 |
beta | :test_tube: Test new features in Minecraft snapshots and betas. Keep in mind that snapshots and betas have bugs, can't join Realms, and can't play with release versions. Backup your worlds before using a snapshot or beta. https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/how-get-minecraft-betas |
dxdiag | Use the Windows DirectX Diagnostics tool to get detailed info about your PC hardware and learn how to update your graphics card drivers. https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360029643912 |
contactxb xboxissue |
:e_mail: Contact Xbox Support for help with Microsoft Xbox Live Account or Microsoft Store purchase issues. https://support.xbox.com/contact-us |
contact mojangissue |
::e_mail: Contact Minecraft Support for help with Mojang Accounts, Realms, Minecraft Marketplace purchases, and purchasing Minecraft: Java Edition.
https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/requests/new Note: Support is currently experiencing heavy volume and longer than usual response times. Please read the automated email you will receive and reply to it with any necessary information. |
bugs | :bug: Report game bugs on the official bug tracker. Check out the handy guide for tips on searching and writing helpful bug reports.
https://bugs.mojang.com/ https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/bug-us-about-bugs |
feedback | :bulb: Submit your game ideas and suggestion on the official feedback site. Check out the handy guide for searching and writing great feedback posts.
https://feedback.minecraft.net/ https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/give-us-your-minecraft-feedback |
tid | :receipt: Include your Transaction ID when contacting Minecraft Support for help with Mojang Account issues.
https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360029977371 |
xboxsettings | Sign in to your Microsoft Account at https://account.xbox.com/settings and review these Xbox Live privacy and online safety settings to enable multiplayer features for Minecraft (Bedrock). Child accounts must be part of a Microsoft Family and have their settings managed by the parent account. • Send/receive chat messages, game invites, and Realm invites: Privacy tab → Others can communicate with voice, text, or invites • Create and join Realms: Xbox One/Windows 10 Online Safety tab → You can create and join clubs • Join multiplayer worlds, Realms, and servers: Xbox One/Windows 10 Online Safety tab → You can join multiplayer games • Add friends: Xbox One/Windows 10 Online Safety tab → Add friends |
crashlogs | Follow this guide on how to enable and get crash logs for Minecraft: Java Edition. http://hopper.minecraft.net/help/guides/minecraft-logs/ Paste your log output on https://paste.ubuntu.com and share the link. This service is free and doesn't require an account. |
media | Don't have permissions to post images or videos? Upload your media to https://imgur.com/ or https://streamable.com/ and share the link. These services are free and don't require an account. | win10 | Players who purchased Minecraft: Java Edition before October 19, 2018 were eligible to claim a free code for Minecraft (Bedrock) for Windows 10. Codes must've been claimed and redeemed before April 20, 2020. <https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/ancient-java-players--you-attention-please-> |
realmsupdate | Realms update when the Realm owner joins with the latest version or 48 hours after an update is released, whichever occurs first. |
mods | Content from community-made mods will not be added to vanilla Minecraft. Please contact the talented creators of these mods and ask them to review the official documentation for the add-on system and scripting API. https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360005029872-Previously-Considered-Suggestions https://i.imgur.com/ocVoYjt.png |
herobrine | Discuss Herobrine in #off-topic. Herobrine has never been included in any official version of Minecraft. You can read more about the third-party, fan-made character on the Wiki. https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Herobrine |
modhelp | Moderators and Administrators aren’t Minecraft Support staff. To get help with Minecraft: Post a description of your issue in #community-support and wait for a community member to reply, or go to https://help.minecraft.net/. To report inappropriate content or behavior in the Discord server: Direct message a Moderator or Administrator. |
staffping | #rules :no_bell: **5. Don't @mention or direct message Minecraft Staff.** Respect their time, they're people too. HelenAngel, Matt, TheRaddestBro, and SunkenCity have opted out of this rule. |
report | **Direct message or @mention an available Moderator or Administrator if you experience or witness inappropriate content or behavior.** Don’t name and shame, or engage in arguments in channels. |
microsoft | Mojang and Minecraft are part of Xbox Game Studios. Mojang develops and makes creative decisions for Minecraft. Microsoft just provides resources, office space, and free drinks. |
trb | TheRaddestBro is an engineer who works on the Redmond/Bedrock Platform team. Right now, he is focusing on user storage management. Which means fixing bugs with data loss, corrupted worlds, and cloud storage sync issues (Xbox). Did you know, on Xbox One and Switch, you only get 2 Gb of local save space, no matter how large your HD is? |
lang (Rule) | :abc: 2. English only please. Communicate in English, but be considerate of all languages. |
en |
This server primarily speaks English. Minecraft is a global community and English is the language that enables the most members to communicate with one another. |
es |
¡Hola! Los miembros de este servidor hablan principalmente inglés. Minecraft es una comunidad mundial. El inglés es el idioma común que permite a la mayoría de los miembros comunicarse entre sí. |
de |
Hallo! Die Mitglieder dieses Servers sprechen hauptsächlich Englisch. Minecraft ist eine weltweite Gemeinschaft. Englisch ist die gemeinsame Sprache, die es der Mehrheit der Mitglieder ermöglicht, miteinander zu kommunizieren. |
fr |
Bonjour ! Les membres de ce serveur parlent principalement anglais. Minecraft est une communauté mondiale. L'anglais est la langue commune qui permet à la majorité des membres de communiquer entre eux. |
nl |
Hallo! De leden van deze server spreken voornamelijk Engels. Minecraft is een wereldwijde gemeenschap. Engels is de gemeenschappelijke taal die de meerderheid van de leden in staat stelt om met elkaar te communiceren. |
tr |
Merhaba! Bu sunucunun üyeleri genellikle Ingilizce konusur. Minecraft dünya çapinda bir topluluktur. Ingilizce, üyelerin çogunlugunun birbirleriyle iletisim kurmasina izin veren ortak dildir. |
ru |
Привет! Члены этого сервера в основном говорят по-английски. Minecraft - это мировое сообщество. Английский язык является общим языком, который позволяет большинству членов Церкви общаться друг с другом. |
ja |
こんにちは!このサーバーのメンバーは主に英語を話します。『Minecraft』(マインクラフト)は世界的なコミュニティです。英語はメンバーの大多数が互いにコミュニケーションをとることを可能にする共通言語です。 |
ar |
مرحبا! يتحدث أعضاء هذا الخادم الإنجليزية أساسا. إن Minecraft مجتمع عالمي. واللغة الانكليزية هي اللغة الشائعة التي تسمح لغالبية الأعضاء بالتواصل فيما بينهم. |
ko |
여보세요! 이 서버의 구성원은 주로 영어를 사용합니다. Minecraft는 전 세계적인 커뮤니티입니다. 영어는 대다수의 회원들이 서로 의사 소통 할 수 있도록하는 공통 언어입니다. |
zh |
你好!該服務器的成員主要講英語。Minecraft是一個全球性的社區。英語是允許大多數成員相互交流的通用語言。 |
notch | Discuss Notch in #off-topic. Notch is no longer associated with Mojang and has no influence over Minecraft. He stopped working on the game 7 years ago and left Mojang 4 years ago. Please follow all #rules in these discussions—we have a zero-tolerance policy for any hate speech, which includes quotes. |
bluestone | Bluestone doesn't exist. The Village & Pillage trailer was created by an external marketing team, and the blue item in the trailer was a rendering error. https://twitter.com/Chupacaubrey/status/1125130466955108353 | support | Mojang Support: https://help.mojang.com/ • Xbox Support: https://support.xbox.com/en-US/games/game-titles/minecraft-info • Minecraft: Java Edition support resources: https://help.mojang.com/customer/en/portal/articles/1175743-minecraft-support-resources • Minecraft (Bedrock) support resources: https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/1175661 |
s | The game mode has been changed to survival. |
yd | You don't. |
cookie | Ask Cookiie for free cookies |
nou | no u |
yes | minecraft yes yes |
updatewhen | When it's done. |
bdt | Ba dum tss! :drum: |
rudie (Not a typo) | So rude |
spam | :raised_hand: Please dont spam here! |
DaD | Discord after Dark. |
nsa | https://i.giphy.com/media/3ohs7VDpZi11D5Q0XC/giphy.webp |
annaproblems | The only people who have problems with Anna are the ones causing the problems in the first place." -MoonbootMurphy |
ot (Off-Topic) | :dart:Stay on topic! Check out <#401141902797307905> to find the appropriate channel to post in. Go to <#305580569238962186> for non-Minecraft chat. |
kim (Keep it Minecraft) | :grass_bounce: Keep it Minecraft! Keep all content and discussions Minecraft-related. Go to #off-topic for non-Minecraft chat. |
m (Multiplayer) | |
memes | Don't post memes here. Post all rule-abiding memes in #off-topic. |
channels | Check out #channel-list to find the appropriate channel to post in. |
civil | #rules :smiley:**Be cool, kind, and civil.** Treat all members with respect and express your thoughts in a constructive manner. |
ads | #rules :loudspeaker:**6. No self-promotion or advertisements.** Avoid sending unsolicited references and links to other social media, servers, communities, and services in chat or direct messages. |
nopirate | Don’t pirate the game. Buy Minecraft from https://minecraft.net or your device’s app store. The Minecraft End User License Agreement prohibits pirating or redistributing the game, and buying, selling, renting, sharing, or transferring accounts. https://minecraft.net/eula https://i.imgur.com/uHFakHq.png |
pii | #rules :shield:7. No ages or personal information. Protect your privacy and the privacy of others. |
rules | Read the #rules. Follow the rules for a safe and enjoyable community experience. |
mrules | Post a message and follow the format to find fellow Minecrafters to play with in a personal world, Realm, or self-hosted server. Rules 1. This isn’t a chat channel. Post a message or reply in a direct message. 2. Follow the format. Posts over 7 lines will be removed. 3. No Realm codes or IP addresses. Share this info in a direct message if someone asks for it. 4. No advertisements. Posts that aim to populate Realms or servers, promote server benefits or other Discord servers, or recruit staff will be removed. Format • Post: Looking, Hosting • Edition: Java, Bedrock, Console • Type: World, Realm, Server • Game mode: Creative, Survival, Factions, Towny, Mini-Game, etc. • Gamertag: Username or Gamertag • When: When you want to play or how long you will be online |
migration | Mojang accounts for Minecraft: Java Edition will begin transitioning to Microsoft accounts in 2021. https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/java-edition-moving-house https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360050865492" |
minecraft | Minecraft is a game about placing blocks and going on adventures. Create! Explore! Surivive! Visit the official site to get the game and learn more. https://minecraft.net/ |
net | https://minecraft.net/ |
buy | Buy Minecraft: Java Edition from https://minecraft.net/ or Minecraft (Bedrock) from your device's app store. |
trial | Not able to buy Minecraft? Check out these free classic and trial options. • Minecraft Classic: https://classic.minecraft.net/ • Minecraft: Java Edition demo: https://minecraft.net/demo • Minecraft (Bedrock) for Windows 10 trial: https://www.microsoft.com/p/minecraft-for-windows-10/9nblggh2jhxj • Minecraft (Bedrock) for Android trial: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mojang.minecrafttrialpe |
marketplace | Minecraft Marketplace is a completely optional way to get high-quality creations in-game and support the talented community members who create them. No vanilla gameplay features are locked behind a paywall, and purchased content offers no gameplay advantage. Bedrock players on most platforms can also create, download, and use free community-made skins, add-ons, and worlds from other sources. |
stats | Minecraft is alive and smashing records! 112 million monthly active players and has sold more than 176 million copies worldwide — making it the best selling video game in history. https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2018/11/10/x018-inside-xbox-news-recap/ https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2019/05/17/minecraft-ten-years/ |
optifine | OptiFine is a third-party mod and engages in practices that are prohibited by the Minecraft End User License Agreement and Minecraft Commercial Usage Guidelines. Mojang is not associated with and does not endorse OptiFine. Mojang strongly recommends that you don’t enter your Mojang Account credentials into any third-party website. https://help.mojang.com/customer/en/portal/articles/2937783-third-party-services-and-websites |
This page was originally created by IsJustaGhost, Maintained by superpowers04.
If you notice any incorrect tags or would like a tag added please let superpowers04#3887 know on Discord